Five Elements Centre helps you to Refresh, Rejuvenate and Reenergize by offering an array of programmes, workshops and retreats in the areas of wellbeing, Life coaching, Yoga, and Mediation for individuals as well as groups.
We assist people to connect to their true selves, which in turn helps them connect to the latent potential that lies within them.
It is more likely that an individual will make adjustments when they have a greater awareness that the ability to do so lies within their own control.
The Taittiriya Upanishad, which is a Sanskrit text from the time period known as the Vedic, makes reference to the existence of the koshas. It states that there are five koshas, which can be translated as layers of our being such as:
Soul/True self
These five layers stand for the harmony that exists in our lives. Any unpleasant events or feelings have an effect on these layers of our personalities that is directly proportional to the degree of their intensity. When each of these facets of our lives falls into place exactly as it should, we will finally be able to experience genuine joy.
By collaborating with you one-on-one on the accomplishment of your life objectives, the Five Elements Centre makes it possible for you to feel joy and bliss in life by assisting you in achieving a balance in the facets of your personality.
Our goal is to help people from different backgrounds understand themselves and meet their own needs. We'll be happy to work with people who really want to make things happen.
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Imagine your stress/worry passing like the clouds through the sky.